Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tired Jokes, Vuvuzelas, Brain Injuries, and Street Fighter II

As is eloquently detailed by my erudite fiancee, this is recovery week in the Insanity system. I have faithfully been working out every day this week, after missing a workout last weekend (which I am not too proud about). One good thing about recover week is that the workouts are not as intense. The bad thing is that it is the same workout for 6 straight days.

When I did P90X, my biggest fear was getting tired of doing the same workouts because I would have to deal with Tony Horton and his lame jokes every week. For the most part, I survived particularly because you only have to do each workout once a week, and the routine changes every three weeks, which is the basis for his muscle confusion. It also confuses your brain, and takes a longer time for you to grow accustomed to the jokes or side stories, or people in the workouts, so it isn't that bad.

As of this morning, I have done the Core Cardio and Balance workout 4 straight times, and I'm starting to lose my mind. This morning, I contemplated laying down and watching Argentina instead of Shaun T. Then I heard the incessant hum of the horns at the World Cup and thought better of it. I get it, its a part of their tradition, but other than that, I don't see any redeeming quality behind those damm bee noise makers. In fact, I think it detracts from the experience namely because old crotchety fat sportswriters have something new to bitch about when tearing down soccer (previously it was the low scoring, dives, and ties).

But I digress. After 4 straight viewings of this 38 minute video, you start to notice things you had previously missed. This is the recovery workout, so you are supposed to get your heart rate up, but not so much that you are exhausted at the end (as you normally would be after an Insanity workout). As a result, there are a lot more breaks between exercises, and a lot more Shaun T explanations.

I pride myself on my impersonation skills, but only of people I think I know. In perfecting my Shaun T impersonation, I find myself talking like I have a brain injury which requires me to enunciate and speak slowly. This kills the Insane Bride every time I do it, and I think she laughs even more now that I pointed out that it sounds like he landed on his head wrong or something. The moral of the story: brain injuries can be funny I guess.

On a related note, you start to notice the people in the video a lot more as well. You start to see that the women in the video are really the stars of the show. They are always killing it and rarely take breaks. The guys seem to be on the verge of failure every time, and Shaun T always has to make them take breaks. The Insane Bride had an initial crush on Tanya, but judging by her last post, it seems to have faded. I didn't feel strongly one way or the other about her in the beginning. She's crazy in shape, but she is over the top almost constantly. Still, I felt like I had a weird prior connection with Tanya but couldn't put my finger on why I found her so strangely familiar. So I went to Google and Youtube and realized what it is.

TANYA IS CHUN LI FROM STREET FIGHTER II!!!!!! Its the only rational explanation. She jumps around like her, she screams like her, she has stupid facial expressions just like Chun Li has when she wins a round. Its too good to be true. I have take the liberty of locating Chun Li sound files for your review. I swear thats what she sounds like.

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