Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Body Weary

Every workout this week has the words MAX in front of it. I have survived two workouts thus far. I say survived because you don't really complete these workouts, as much as you try not to pass out while doing it. Two days in and there are parts of my body that are sore, that I didn't know could be sore. Like portions of my ribs and the muscles on the side of my upper back. Holy crap. Why should those parts of the body ever be sore? It is ridiculous, but I digress.

After each workout is done, the DVD shows infomercials for other BeachBody products to help you get into shape (which to me is kind of weird since Insanity would seem to be the best product to lose weight). At any rate, the BeachBody crew all make an appearance on the various workouts. Tony Horton has, by my count, three products being endorsed, and he is goofy as usual. But Shaun T has two other programs, Hip Hop Abs and Shaun T's kid camp fit club or something.

First of all, after seeing the commercial for the kids I immediately wanted to create one for the sole purpose of buying that video for him to do. Predictably, this was met with heavy resistance from The Insane Bride, so I guess I will have to wait a few years and hope nothing better comes on the market to keep my kid in shape.

Second, the Hip Hop abs program bills itself as a revolutionary program that sculpts your abs without requiring you to get on the floor and do crunches. The Insane Bride's ex crush, Tanya, makes an appearance, further lending credence to her status as "Professional Worker Outer." But highlights of the workouts are shown with a voice over detailing, that "Fitness Trainer, Dancer and Choreographer Shaun T will lead you through the workouts blah blah blah..."

As a result, it is planted in my subconscious that Shaun T is a choreographer, and now I can hear him count down workouts like a choreographer would, and it kind of weirds me out. Also, sometimes when he's exited about transitioning between workout moves, he yells like Fat Man Scoop and I chuckle to myself.

At any rate, Shaun T references and impersonations are sky rocketing between The Insane Bride and I. It really brings us untold amounts of joy to have entire conversations in the Shaun T voice.

On the Wedding front, I had my first tinge of pre wedding nervousness when I dreamt that the wedding was taking place and I had to write heartfelt letters of appreciation to members of my family to go with the soccer ball the Insane Bride and I purchased them, while the Insane Bride sat in a hotel room arm chair, with both arms up, in a white dress (not a wedding dress) in a zen like state of concentration and with a towel wrapped around her hair. I know, I'm weird and my dreams are weirder. I've stopped trying to understand it, and I can only hope it provides for some entertainment to my faithful (4) readers. Thank you for your attention, time to await further punishment at the hands of the brain injured dancer with ridiculous abs. Tilt Tuck and Tighten.

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