Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Eye of the Tiger

I wish I could wake up to this song every morning, but mostly I probably need it on Saturdays. My faithful followers know that I missed a workout two weeks ago (during recovery week, so I contend it doesn't count), and that I was none too pleased with myself. Unfortunately, I also missed a workout last week. It was the Saturday morning workout again.

With my weekday workouts, I know I have to get up early to do them, because I know I am not going to do them after work. This usually works because I get out of bed and within 5 minutes, Shaun T is exhorting me to "Dig Deeper" or "Push, Push, C'mon Y'all" or some other inspirational quote. This is important because my mind isn't really awake until midway through the warmup, which coincidentally is when I contemplate taking my first break of the workout.

On the weekends...this definitely does not happen. First, I don't set an alarm because I want 2 days a week where my body just wakes up and is not jarred from its blissful slumber by the annoying sound of an alarm clock. Second, I don't rush to workout on the weekends, because I want to take my time and remember what the inside of my apartment looks like.

Add in the World Cup, and I have a very small window of opportunity to workout on the weekends. Thus, I suck at working out on the weekends.

On the bright side, I sampled the delicacy that is a Hodad's cheeseburger. Pretty tasty stuff. I think I need a tour of delicious burgers to really make an informed decision, and I need to taste them all in short order. The lineup...in no particular order:
1) Waterfront Burger
2) Rocky's Burger
3) Hodad's Burger
4) Double Double from In-n-Out

Sounds like a good weeks eating to me. Maybe I'll wait till after the wedding, which is really starting to creep up. Don't want delicous burgers to derail the train to buff city...but they probably will.

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