Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Heismans and Lucky Choices

Time to break down two or three of the more ridiculous moves that Shaun T (who has now taken to referring to himself in third person, a fact that brings me more joy than free beer at a football game...well, maybe not that much joy, but a lot of joy) expects you, the worker outer, to do.

Diamond Jumps - these things are brutal. Not satisfied with simply jumping in the air and tucking your knees up into your midsection ("jump-knee-tuck...the MOTHER" - Tony Horton), Shaunt T decides that instead you should jump in the air while simultaneously pulling your heels and feet together under you, and touching your fists together over your head at the top of the jump. When properly executed, the worker outer takes the form of a diamond. When done by the rational groom, it looks like the token overweight cheerleader who's mom bankrolls the squad even though the uniform doesn't quite fit her right. These things are the devil.

S-S Jumps - These make an appearance in the warm up...THE FREAKING WARM UP! You put your hands on the floor, with straight arms directly under your shoulders. You start with both feet at approximately a 45 degree angle, with your butt in the air (probably really attractive at my house at 5:30 in the morning). You then pull your feet into your stomach while also moving them across your body so that it sits again at a 45 degree angle (for math geeks, the distance your feet travel would be equivalent to 90 degrees. You do this constantly for 45 seconds, or however long Shaun T feels like making you do it. They are hard, and if I don't tuck my shirt in, I have to stare at my belly which reminds me that I have a long way to go.

Switch Kicks and Floor Switch Kicks - The poster children for how INSANE these workouts really are. The standing version is included in the fit test. It requires you to hold your elbows out in front of you with your fists up by your shoulders/face. You then proceed to kick one foot straight out without drawing it back first, kind of like a leg raise. As you drop your foot, you have to kick the other foot out in front of you. At high speed, you are essentially hopping while kicking in front of you. These suck. Then the floor version, you sit with your feet under you and your hands back, with your stomach in the air in a table position. You then kick alternate kicking your feet in the air until you collapse from exhaustion (about 15 seconds for me).

I bring up all of these moves for a common reason. As I'm doing them, I am pounding on the floor with my feet and also gasping for air. Today, during my workout I was torn from the torture to contemplate how lucky I am to have a bottom floor apartment. My apartment hunt went something like this
Me: Do you have apartments?
Them: Yes.
Me: How much do they cost?
Them: More than you can afford.
Me: Thanks for the John Coffee
Two Weeks Later
Them: We have one you can afford, but it won't be ready until Sunday when you have to move out by.
Me: Where do I sign?

So I didn't really bargain for the first floor, and really it wouldn't matter because P90X and Insanity were only conceptual theories to me at that time. But had I been saddled with an upper unit, I think these workouts would have been impossible, as my neighbors would think there was a constant earthquake happening. This was really lucky.

One last move is the Heisman and its cousin the 1-2-3 Heisman. They are pretty unremarkable, except for the past two workouts where the bane of the Insane Bride's existence, Tanya, gets straight heisman-ed during the love fest that follows every workout. I chuckled to myself when I saw it both times, then thought "I should write a blog about that."

Then I chuckled and went about my life. In case you are wondering, the wedding is getting close. The Insane Bride and I have but 2 free weekends between now and our blessed union. I am pretty excited about it. It can't get here soon enough.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Eye of the Tiger

I wish I could wake up to this song every morning, but mostly I probably need it on Saturdays. My faithful followers know that I missed a workout two weeks ago (during recovery week, so I contend it doesn't count), and that I was none too pleased with myself. Unfortunately, I also missed a workout last week. It was the Saturday morning workout again.

With my weekday workouts, I know I have to get up early to do them, because I know I am not going to do them after work. This usually works because I get out of bed and within 5 minutes, Shaun T is exhorting me to "Dig Deeper" or "Push, Push, C'mon Y'all" or some other inspirational quote. This is important because my mind isn't really awake until midway through the warmup, which coincidentally is when I contemplate taking my first break of the workout.

On the weekends...this definitely does not happen. First, I don't set an alarm because I want 2 days a week where my body just wakes up and is not jarred from its blissful slumber by the annoying sound of an alarm clock. Second, I don't rush to workout on the weekends, because I want to take my time and remember what the inside of my apartment looks like.

Add in the World Cup, and I have a very small window of opportunity to workout on the weekends. Thus, I suck at working out on the weekends.

On the bright side, I sampled the delicacy that is a Hodad's cheeseburger. Pretty tasty stuff. I think I need a tour of delicious burgers to really make an informed decision, and I need to taste them all in short order. The no particular order:
1) Waterfront Burger
2) Rocky's Burger
3) Hodad's Burger
4) Double Double from In-n-Out

Sounds like a good weeks eating to me. Maybe I'll wait till after the wedding, which is really starting to creep up. Don't want delicous burgers to derail the train to buff city...but they probably will.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Body Weary

Every workout this week has the words MAX in front of it. I have survived two workouts thus far. I say survived because you don't really complete these workouts, as much as you try not to pass out while doing it. Two days in and there are parts of my body that are sore, that I didn't know could be sore. Like portions of my ribs and the muscles on the side of my upper back. Holy crap. Why should those parts of the body ever be sore? It is ridiculous, but I digress.

After each workout is done, the DVD shows infomercials for other BeachBody products to help you get into shape (which to me is kind of weird since Insanity would seem to be the best product to lose weight). At any rate, the BeachBody crew all make an appearance on the various workouts. Tony Horton has, by my count, three products being endorsed, and he is goofy as usual. But Shaun T has two other programs, Hip Hop Abs and Shaun T's kid camp fit club or something.

First of all, after seeing the commercial for the kids I immediately wanted to create one for the sole purpose of buying that video for him to do. Predictably, this was met with heavy resistance from The Insane Bride, so I guess I will have to wait a few years and hope nothing better comes on the market to keep my kid in shape.

Second, the Hip Hop abs program bills itself as a revolutionary program that sculpts your abs without requiring you to get on the floor and do crunches. The Insane Bride's ex crush, Tanya, makes an appearance, further lending credence to her status as "Professional Worker Outer." But highlights of the workouts are shown with a voice over detailing, that "Fitness Trainer, Dancer and Choreographer Shaun T will lead you through the workouts blah blah blah..."

As a result, it is planted in my subconscious that Shaun T is a choreographer, and now I can hear him count down workouts like a choreographer would, and it kind of weirds me out. Also, sometimes when he's exited about transitioning between workout moves, he yells like Fat Man Scoop and I chuckle to myself.

At any rate, Shaun T references and impersonations are sky rocketing between The Insane Bride and I. It really brings us untold amounts of joy to have entire conversations in the Shaun T voice.

On the Wedding front, I had my first tinge of pre wedding nervousness when I dreamt that the wedding was taking place and I had to write heartfelt letters of appreciation to members of my family to go with the soccer ball the Insane Bride and I purchased them, while the Insane Bride sat in a hotel room arm chair, with both arms up, in a white dress (not a wedding dress) in a zen like state of concentration and with a towel wrapped around her hair. I know, I'm weird and my dreams are weirder. I've stopped trying to understand it, and I can only hope it provides for some entertainment to my faithful (4) readers. Thank you for your attention, time to await further punishment at the hands of the brain injured dancer with ridiculous abs. Tilt Tuck and Tighten.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tired Jokes, Vuvuzelas, Brain Injuries, and Street Fighter II

As is eloquently detailed by my erudite fiancee, this is recovery week in the Insanity system. I have faithfully been working out every day this week, after missing a workout last weekend (which I am not too proud about). One good thing about recover week is that the workouts are not as intense. The bad thing is that it is the same workout for 6 straight days.

When I did P90X, my biggest fear was getting tired of doing the same workouts because I would have to deal with Tony Horton and his lame jokes every week. For the most part, I survived particularly because you only have to do each workout once a week, and the routine changes every three weeks, which is the basis for his muscle confusion. It also confuses your brain, and takes a longer time for you to grow accustomed to the jokes or side stories, or people in the workouts, so it isn't that bad.

As of this morning, I have done the Core Cardio and Balance workout 4 straight times, and I'm starting to lose my mind. This morning, I contemplated laying down and watching Argentina instead of Shaun T. Then I heard the incessant hum of the horns at the World Cup and thought better of it. I get it, its a part of their tradition, but other than that, I don't see any redeeming quality behind those damm bee noise makers. In fact, I think it detracts from the experience namely because old crotchety fat sportswriters have something new to bitch about when tearing down soccer (previously it was the low scoring, dives, and ties).

But I digress. After 4 straight viewings of this 38 minute video, you start to notice things you had previously missed. This is the recovery workout, so you are supposed to get your heart rate up, but not so much that you are exhausted at the end (as you normally would be after an Insanity workout). As a result, there are a lot more breaks between exercises, and a lot more Shaun T explanations.

I pride myself on my impersonation skills, but only of people I think I know. In perfecting my Shaun T impersonation, I find myself talking like I have a brain injury which requires me to enunciate and speak slowly. This kills the Insane Bride every time I do it, and I think she laughs even more now that I pointed out that it sounds like he landed on his head wrong or something. The moral of the story: brain injuries can be funny I guess.

On a related note, you start to notice the people in the video a lot more as well. You start to see that the women in the video are really the stars of the show. They are always killing it and rarely take breaks. The guys seem to be on the verge of failure every time, and Shaun T always has to make them take breaks. The Insane Bride had an initial crush on Tanya, but judging by her last post, it seems to have faded. I didn't feel strongly one way or the other about her in the beginning. She's crazy in shape, but she is over the top almost constantly. Still, I felt like I had a weird prior connection with Tanya but couldn't put my finger on why I found her so strangely familiar. So I went to Google and Youtube and realized what it is.

TANYA IS CHUN LI FROM STREET FIGHTER II!!!!!! Its the only rational explanation. She jumps around like her, she screams like her, she has stupid facial expressions just like Chun Li has when she wins a round. Its too good to be true. I have take the liberty of locating Chun Li sound files for your review. I swear thats what she sounds like.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I'm SOOOOO Tired

The title says it all. The Insane Bride hates when I say it, and also hates when I waive my hand at her and make weird noises. We have a very healthy relationship.

Anyway, she is the best. We are going to go sample cake at the moment, Shaun T be dammed. Maybe Insanity is really doing the workouts while continuing to eat cake and have a beer every once in a while. None of this "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome."

Regardless, I'm in trial, my head hurts, Shaun T jacked me up this morning making it 10 of the last 12 days that he has done so, and I have more work to do this evening. All that, and I decided to blog about it. I know, keep it to yourself right? I probably should, but I figured that if you didn't want to know what I was thinking you wouldn't click on over. I probably should have warned you.

Is it the weekend yet?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

No Friends at 6:00 a.m.

So I have been faithfully following the Insanity workout schedule for the past week. I replaced the "Recovery" day with YogaX from P90X, but other than that it has remained the same. As is fabulously detailed on each workout ends with me in a pile of exhaustion, dripping with sweat, and gasping for oxygen to curse, and with Shaun T without his shirt on and telling you to drink some sort of sponsored recovery drink.

This morning was no different. However, I had two revelations after finishing the workout. First, at the end of each video, Shaun T throws up a peace out and then all 10 or so people congregate and congratulate each other on the workout. And these aren't brief high fives or fist pounds, I'm talking full hugs with extended embraces. This always confuses me because everyone is dripping with sweat. The men all have their shirts off and the women in this video are rarely dressed in anything but a sports bra and some small workout shorts. Considering I am typically still searching for air when the workout ends, I don't understand how these people feel it would be a good idea to start hugging each other when they are all dripping with sweat. Its similar to what will happen this month in the World Cup. Really, what better way to commemorate a Soccer game than to receive a sweaty Jersey from a member of the opposing squad. Doesn't that make you want to play?

As I stood pondering this first thought(and still pouring sweat), a sense of resentment led me to be genuinely upset that I don't get to high five everyone too. There has to be some upside and I want to know what it is. I mean, I did the same workout they did, but probably took more breaks, I want the same recognition and validation. In vain, I searched my apartment to high five someone, but remembered that few others (besides my lovely bride to be) are even awake at 6:23 a.m. let alone putting themselves through Insanity hell. So I high fived myself, and made a mental note to high five the first person I saw today.

In wedding news, we are almost at the 100 day mark. I am considering making a paper chain a la grade school students make to count down the days before Christmas/End of the Year. I am considering using old jury instructions and correspondence from Access Group, but I feel like that would put a damper on the festivities. When its completed, I'm totally hanging it up around my office. It will go nicely with my ant farm and it will provide a good reminder that the train to Buff City is quickly approaching.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Sometimes I like to drop random movie references in everyday life to see if anyone responds to me. I just yelled We Landed On the Moon, as I walked out of a colleagues office after hearing about a good result on her case. Unfortunately, no one got my reference. In fact, it seemed like people were physically upset by how happy I was with myself.

Sadly, I don't think I have had a successful obscure movie reference in quite some time. I think the most recent one wasn't even my own, but one I picked up on from someone else, which also feels good. It's like giving a mental high five. It was "Ninja Vanish" if anyone cares. Props to Reizen for making that one happen.

Don't get me wrong, there are times where I get to be on the receiving end of the mental high five. The Insane Bride has been getting better, but there is always the chance of the "False Positive" where I say something truly witty and she automatically assumes it came from a movie, and is incredulous that I could come up with it on my own. Ahh the pitfalls of having a vast expanse of obscure movie knowledge, and an occassionally witty line. Isn't it possible that sometimes I might say something witty? Don't answer that.

On the Insanity front, Shaun T made me his bitch again this morning. I wish I could bottle how exhausted I feel at the end of each workout and somehow retrieve it when approached with delicious chocolate covered pretzels at work, in the vain hope that it would somehow prevent me from lifting my fat hand and sampling the pure bliss that is the medley of sweet chocolate and savory pretzel. Alas, I am only human and when push came to shove I was down in the muck with the rest of them, fighting for my piece and disregarding any Elite Nutrition Plans I had for the day.

In conclusion, pick up on my obscure movie and tv references and stop offering me sweets. The world will be better off as a result and I will be eternally indebted to you as a friend. I don't ask for much.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It Starts

Hello blog-o-sphere. Welcome to my party which, although may not always be enjoyable, will hopefully prove to be entertaining. I promise neither.

To the unfamiliar souls who just happened across this blog (does this even happen?), I will be writing as a compendium (I always liked that word in school) to the blog of my better half, also known as The Insane Bride, which tracks our journey from living as out of shape single people, to hitched beach body people. We have been engaged since the week before Christmas, and have begun the workout regime known as Insanity but two weeks ago. If you are lucky, you may see before and after pictures. If you are lucky.

As a promise to you, the loyal reader, I solemnly swear never to mention anything related to Twilight.

For reference, this is us in Sonoma. More thoughts on that region will follow.