Friday, July 9, 2010

Off the Wagon, Three Sheets to the Wind, and similarly confusing phrases

Seriously, where did On the Wagon and 3 Sheets to the Wind come from? More importantly, why was it collectively decided that these, and other, random phrases would become common euphemisms for things that are easily described? I have absolutely no idea what the origins of the phrase 3 sheets to the wind are, but for some reason I know it means that the person has had too much to drink. I believe I have googled this multiple times, and each time I have been unsatisfied with the resulting explanation.

I did learn that On the Wagon has some origins in Medieval England where those sentenced to the Death Penalty were given one last opportunity to have a drink as they were being taken, via wagon, to the gallows. Apparently there was a pub near the gallows, and the wagon dude would go by it before the prisoner faced his untimely demise. Should the prisoner decide against the final drink, they would call out that he was "On the Wagon" and proceed on. I guess by simple evolution, falling off the wagon simply meant that you weren't on it anymore and had returned to the company of the bottled spirits. This is mildly depressing to me. I had always hoped that Fallen Off the Wagon was some hilarious reference to drinking to excess at the Budweiser plant, hijacking the signature wagon and Clydesdales, only to fall off and become trampled. I may just stick with my theory anyway. Its not like these theories are really factually accurate. I read the England theory on a forwarded e-mail, which is obviously the most solid source anyone can rely upon.

But this theory gets me to thinking, if the England theory is true it is really genius marketing by the pub owner when you approach it by modern perspective. I mean, the crap people will pay attention to today really amazes me. I'm not above it, mind you, but its still mind boggling. Just last night, within hours of each other, I descended to the depths of hell to watch LeBron James crap on the city of Cleveland then allowed the Insane Bride a brief respite of Betheny, the Real Housewife of New York City, who screamed at her gay wedding planner that she would "rip his dick off" if her wedding cake didn't taste like she wanted it. We are relatively intelligent couples and we watch this shit at home. You mean to tell me that bar wouldn't be packed to see the prisoner hauled off to the gallows? I would be excited about it, only if I could wager on whether or not he would decide to have the drink.

Regardless, this is all prelude to saying that I severely fell off the wagon this week in regards to my Insanity output. Last week was strong. I got all 6 workouts in for the first time in weeks thanks to a substantial amount of cajoling from the Insane Bride and the Rationally Insane Sister. However, I promptly returned home this week and did not do anything. Monday was a wash with wedding festivities. Tuesday and Wednesday were hijacked by a bumbling Defense attorney from L.A. who basically ruined my week. I was so tired Wednesday night, I forgot to set my alarm for Thursday so I woke up without sufficient Insanity time.

I did return home Thursday night (after drinking with a colleague and watching LeBron) to see the Insane Bride faithfully powering through her workout. I even jumped in on a couple when I felt like she needed some inspiration. I found that the workouts are much easier when you can breath and don't feel like you are about to pass out, so I got that going for me.

I did workout this morning. VICTORY!!! I fear the message boards at because of my lack of enthusiasm. I'm thinking its time for a P90X/Insanity hybrid which will be in place for the last 70 days of my single life.

You read that right people, 70 days. I wish I could fast forward to September.

Finally, shout out Daniel and Sarah for jumping on the Insanity train. At last check, they are three workouts in and ready to kill themselves. Welcome to the club, and now random side references and the Shaun T voice will be much me.

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